Demystifying SHACL — Guide to Semantic Data Validation (Part 1)

Lokesh Sharma
5 min readMar 3, 2024


Interested in the world of semantic web? Then maybe you stumbled on the right article this time. I will be talking about the interconnected structure of data and unraveling the mysteries of SHACL, a pivotal tool in the realm of semantic validation. The article is written in 4 parts:

- Part 1: Linked data and semantic validation
- Part 2: Evolution of SHACL and Key Concepts
- Part 3: Syntax of Core and SPARQL-based Constraints
- Part 4: Hands-on validation with pySHACL

Let’s kick things off by diving into the nitty-gritty of structured data and semantic validation, the unsung heroes of the web’s evolution into a knowledge-packed realm.

Picture Web 2.0 as the rebellious teenager of the internet, shaking things up with dynamic web pages, a surge in social media, and the rise of cloud-based applications. But hey, can’t we crank up the volume on this party? While Web 2.0 nails data accessibility with trusty URLs, it’s lacking in the “let’s all be friends and understand each other” department. What I mean is — “there isa lack of inter-connectedness and machine understanding.”

Enter Web 3.0, sometimes also known as the Semantic Web or the Decentralized Web (I like calling it the Smarty Pants Web 😁). This next-gen internet aims to be smarter, more interconnected, and downright brilliant by enabling machines to chat amongst themselves, and giving our AI an (yet)-unquantified boost 🚀🚀. Think of it like upgrading your old-school Nokia into a full-blown smartphone — except we’re doing it to the entire internet! More here

Evolution of the Internet

To achieve this goal, other initiatives like blockchains and decentralized web are underway. For our scope, let’s zoom in on linked data and semantic web technologies — the glue in this digital revolution. The semantic web is all about getting data to play nicely, organising it, and slapping standardized labels on it for good measure. And Linked Data? Well, it is a convention term, with a concept of connecting data left and right to make it more discoverable or if you prefer (inferencing), accessible, and oh-so-interoperable (my favourite).

So, what’s the secret sauce behind linked data 🧐? It’s all about those fancy principles and standards:

1. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs): Giving each piece of data its own unique name tag for easy web referencing.
2. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): Your standard web protocol, making sure linked data gets where it needs to go.
3. Resource Description Framework (RDF): Think of RDF as the smooth talker at the party, exchanging data in a format that’s flexible and open-minded (as triples; <subject, predicate/property, object/literal>). It’s like dressing your data in its Sunday best! 😎
4. Standards: When it comes to publishing data, we’re all about keeping those URIs de-referenceable in appropriate machine-readable format. We want others to know about our metadata and any links to related resources

And that’s it !!

“The Semantic Web isn’t just about putting data on the web. It is about making links, so that a person or machine can explore the web of data. With linked data, when you have some of it, you can find other, related, data” — Tim Berners-Lee

But why should you care about linked data? Keep reading 🤓

1. Interoperability: Imagine your company’s data systems chatting up like old pals. Linked data makes it happen, making data exchange a breeze.
2. Discoverability: Ever feel like you’re lost in a sea of information? With linked data, you’ll navigate the web or your disparate data silos like a pro, uncovering hidden gems left and right.
3. Data Integration: Say goodbye to data integration headaches! Linked data streamlines the process, so you can spend less time wrangling data, building complicated pipelines and more time making sense of it.
4. Inference: Who knew data could be so intuitive? With linked data’s RDF magic, you’ll uncover hidden connections, inconsistencies, redundancies, and infer new insights like a data detective.
5. Scalability: The beauty of linked data? It grows with you! The ontologies and graph models are highly flexible and can quickly adapt to new use cases. It has got your back 🌟

“In a nutshell, linked data is the key to unlocking a web that’s smarter, sassier, and oh-so-much-more fun! 🚀

Understanding Semantic Validation 😇

Now that we have confessed to the big bang of semantic web stack, it’s essential to ensure we’re effectively equipped with the right tools to navigate this terrain. As the interconnected nature of linked data promises boundless opportunities, it also presents challenges — particularly regarding data quality and correctness.

Enter semantic data validation, a crucial player in maintaining the reliability and integrity of our “to-be connected information”. It goes beyond traditional data validation, which often focuses solely on surface-level correctness with ‘fixed schemas’ or ‘acceptable property values’. Instead, it ensures that the RDF graph adheres to predefined ontologies/graph-models, custom-shaped constraints, standards, and rules — akin to ensuring not just grammatical correctness in sentences but also verifying their underlying context with meaning and relationships.

In the dynamic realm of production environments and evolving customer requirements, errors are costly. Without semantic validation, the interconnected web of linked data risks descending into chaos. Moreover, consider the challenge of maintaining consistent data quality when multiple organisations agree on a common ontology for data exchange. While this agreement establishes a shared language, it may not cover the finer details of domain-specific validation requirements or preferences such as data types, allowable values, or custom business rules.

Enter SHACL, the Shapes Constraint Language, riding in as a potential saviour in the RDF world. SHACL empowers us to define shapes (constraints) that RDF graphs must conform to, providing a standardized approach to validation. SHACL is designed for practitioners, where the focus is on maintaining the structure of graphs with validation and (optionally) inferencing. The validation constraints can be extended as SPARQL queries and follows a closed world assumption. With SHACL in our toolkit, we can ensure the quality and integrity of linked datasets, even amidst the ever-changing landscape of the web.

Semantic Web Stack [Image Source]

Embracing semantic validation practices isn’t just a nicety; it’s a necessity for unlocking the full potential of linked data. By ensuring data accuracy and consistency, semantic validation fosters clearer communication between machines and humans, paving the way for more efficient information retrieval and fostering innovation across various fields 😇.

In the next part, we will get familiar with the evolution of validation tools and some key concepts when defining a SHACL Shape.

Link to Part 2



Lokesh Sharma

Curious minds are exploring the potential of knowledge graphs in GIS technologies. If topography and graphs interest you too, join me in this journey!